Thursday, July 4, 2013

Yesterday - Berry Pickin in the Mud

I'm still trying to get caught up with blogging about all of our fun vacation activities.

Yesterday Sarah put us to work picking strawberries. I'd never been strawberry picking. Lots of families out picking too. It must be super trendy take your kids under six berry picking.

Since it's been raining for the past two weeks in Maine the fields were super muddy. Don't worry, I wore my water shoes and the pics below prove just how cute I was. They took us to the field on a wagon pulled by a tractor, but Debbie still managed to drag her foot in the mud as the wagon rounded a corner. She's talented like that.

The strawberries are delicious and mud picking is an experience I won't soon forget.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

So Much Fun That I Can't Keep Up

Looking back I've realized that I failed to post about our activities on Monday.  Sorry. This was due to exhaustion, NOT lack of fun.  We drove to North Conway, NH for a little hike in the White Mountains. Thankfully, Sarah didn't try to kill us with the hike up bald face this year. Instead we took a nice path (accessible even for strollers) to Diana's Bath. This beautiful waterfall and swimming area are the perfect place to be on a hot summer day. Unfortunately for us it wasn't a hot summer day and this area has been experiencing a higher than normal amount of rainfall. That meant the water was ice cold. I waded a little and encouraged Nick to get all wet, but no swimming for me.  We still had fun and with only a few other people instead of the hundreds that normally pack the baths.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Repost of 6-28 Cheese, chocolate, wings, and beer

Ashland, OH - Cheese glorious cheese! Grandpa's Cheese Barn rocks. Spent more on cheese than on the hotel room last night. Ok, we did buy a few things besides cheese. Definitely worth the stop.

Sharon, PA - Daffins Chocolate Kingdom. What's not to love about a 400 lb solid chocolate turtle?  The free samples were so good that we had to buy some chocolate for the road. Lunch at the original Quaker Steak and Lube. Tried 4 different flavors of wings.

Wilkes Barre, PA -  Got another great hotel deal on Priceline. Added two new brews to my list .

It's Raining Beer

Made the most of today's rainy tour and tasting at Shipyard Brewery. Added 9 new brews to my list. Don't worry, the boy and his Bubbie enjoyed samples of Captain Eli's Soda.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Great Lost Bear

Added 13 new beers to my resolution list. Love those beer sampler flights.

Two Lights, where I didn't see any.

Enjoyable day at Two Lights State Park. Spent several hours watching the waves and climbing on the rocks. I almost got washed away by a big wave. Lots of fun, but I never did see the two lights.

It's so bright I gotta wear my shades

Totally forgot how early the sun rises in Maine. Woke up thinking that I'd slept forever only to find out it was just 6:00 am. So much for sleeping late.